The Highway Traffic Act indicates that cyclists should position themselves “as close as is practicable” to the right side of the roadway. This means that cyclists are required to exercise good judgment when determining their positioning on the roadway. Drivers need to be aware that a cyclist’s position on the road may be affected by traffic volume, road conditions, weather hazards and municipal lane restrictions.
Drivers can help reduce the number of bicycle and motor vehicle crashes, injuries and fatalities by understanding a cyclist’s positioning on the road. There are certain situations when a cyclist may choose to be further away from the right side of the road or ride closer to the middle of the lane.
Drivers should be aware of these situations, which may include:
- adverse road conditions such as potholes, puddles or construction
- when passing parked vehicles and additional space is required to stay clear of the door zone
- when making a left turn (The cyclist should be positioned closer to the centre of the turning lane and following the path of a vehicle as they make the turn.)
- when the right lane is intended for right turns only and the cyclist intends to go straight (Cyclists in these situations will carry on in a straight line through the intersection.)
- when there’s slower moving or stopped traffic in the right hand lane (Cyclists are allowed to pass on the left as long as it’s safe to do so, however after completing the pass, the cyclist would then return to the right edge of the lane.)
- when cycling on one-way streets with more than three lanes of traffic