Chapter 6: Driving Responsibly

In this chapter

    Care must be taken when passing because it’s extremely difficult to judge the speed of approaching vehicles. You might think you have plenty of time and distance to pass, but don’t forget you are closing the gap between you and the approaching vehicle at twice your own rate of speed — and sometimes by more than that.

    On highways, beware of vehicles parked on the opposite side, as they may suddenly pull out onto the highway. It’s illegal to exceed the speed limit when passing.

    The basic steps for passing are:

    1. Check ahead for oncoming vehicles.
    2. Check your side and rearview mirrors for vehicles approaching from behind.
    3. Signal.
    4. Check the blind spot on your left for vehicles beside you.
    5. Check again that the road is clear before passing.

    Once the vehicle you have passed is visible in your rearview mirror, check your blind spot on the right, signal to the right and return to the proper lane.

    When being passed, slow down and move as close as possible to the right side of the road.

    Drivers must be aware of wind turbulence caused by passing semi-trailer trucks or other large motor vehicles.

    You must never pass:

    • by driving off the road (e.g. on the shoulder)
    • where a vehicle is slowing or has stopped to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian or other vehicle
    • in a school area within 15 minutes of the opening or closing of morning and afternoon classes, or while children are near a school or playground
    • on the left side of the road if it’s not sufficiently clear ahead
    • where highway construction is taking place

    Passing on the right is permitted only:

    • when overtaking a vehicle making a left turn
    • on one-way streets
    • on streets with marked lanes