Chapter 8: Backing and Parking

In this chapter

    A three-point turn is when you:

    1. Pull over to the right side of the street, stop, check mirrors and shoulder check.
    2. Back up into an intersection or driveway. Check mirrors and shoulder check before backing up.
    3. Turn left and proceed forward in the direction you came from.

    Traffic check

    Before slowing down, check traffic in front and behind you. Check your blind spot before pulling over to the right side of the road to stop.


    Turn on your right signal before slowing down unless there are vehicles waiting to enter the road from side roads or driveways between you and your stopping point (see diagram below). Wait until you have passed these entrances so that drivers will not think you are turning.


    Gradually reduce speed. In a vehicle with a manual transmission, you may down shift into a lower gear as you slow down. Don’t coast with your foot on the clutch pedal.

    Three point turn


    Stop so you are parallel to the curb and not more than 45 centimeters away (Position 1). Where there’s no curb stop as far as possible off the travelled part of the road. Don’t stop where you will block an entrance, an intersection or other traffic.

    Traffic check

    Check your mirrors and shoulder check to the right before starting the turn. Wait until the way is clear. Each time you stop while turning, check traffic in both directions.


    Turn your right signal or four-way flasher on.

    Turn around

    With the steering wheel turned sharply right, reverse your vehicle slowly and smoothly, backing into the lane or driveway (Position 2). Back up far enough so you can have a clear view of the roadway and are behind the sidewalk and stop. Turn your left signal on, shift to a forward gear, turn your steering wheel to the left and make sure that you check in both directions. Then move your vehicle into the traffic lane (Position 3).


    Return to normal traffic speed by accelerating smoothly to blend in with the traffic around you. In light traffic accelerate moderately. In heavier traffic you may have to accelerate more quickly. In a vehicle with a manual transmission, shift gears as you increase your speed.